Extend your team effectively

Hire remote talent

No hidden costs or renewals

Post your jobs indefinitely for a fixed price of 29€ / job. You can close and re-open your job post at any time.

Hassle-free job posting

Post new remote jobs quickly and easily. We redirect the candidates directly to you. Post your first job with or without an account.


Every job gets shared on our social channels and it's distributed on the Google for Jobs network.

Any questions?

If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us.

How it works?

1. Create an account

It's optional, but it gives you the benefit to manage all your companies and jobs from one dashboard. You are free to post your job without an account.

2. Post your job

Tell us more about whom you are looking for in a manner of minutes. Be sure to include the salary range and your location restrictions if you have them.

3. Preview

Check out how your job post will be shown on our page. You are free to edit, close and re-open your remote job whenever you'd like to.

4. Publish

Publish your job and sit back. We redirect the candidates directly to you. Your job post will be published indefinitely, no hidden fees or auto renewals.